Speaker Bio

Prof. Fisseha Mekuria
Faculty of Technology & Society, Dept. of Computer Science,
Malmo University, Sweden
Dr. Mekuria has a PhD from Linköping University, Sweden, in wireless Communications and Signal Processing. He recently joined Malmö University in Sweden, prior to that he was a chief research scientist and emerging digital technology innovations leader at the council for Scientific and Industrial Research CSIR, headquartered in Pretoria, South Africa. He also worked for 10 years as Senior research Engineer at Ericsson Mobile Communications R&D lab in Sweden, and is author of 17 US/EPO patents.
He has published over 90 peer reviewed publications, Journals & book chapters. Working with mobile and internet service industry he directed the setting up of next generation network labs, development of mobile applications programming courses, Network resource sharing for affordable broadband connectivity, and development of telecom policy & regulatory frameworks and capacity building for telecom regulators in Africa. He has lead several technology projects (EU-FIRE Horizon2020 Future Internet, UNDP-AU-EU, ITU-Digital Transformation…), and contributes in technology standards (IEEE FNI, IETF, IEEE 5G-P2061 and ITU-WP 5D, ITU-AI4Good_WAI…). Dr Mekuria, has published several articles on 5G and led 5G workshops for IEEE Future Networks, 5G Dresden, 5G Korea and the ITU-Digital transformation for Africa symposium. Dr. Mekuria holds adj. Professorships at the University of Johannesburg and University of the Witwatersrand, in Johannesburg South Africa, where he is involved in developing postgraduate research and education in emerging wireless technologies, including innovation & sustainable digital entrepreneurship: https://www.mau.se
Session Details
Wednesday 20th September 2023 | 11:15 am – 12:30 pm | EAT PANEL Sustainable Deployment of 5G in Africa- Enabling the MPESA’s of 5G | |
Wednesday 20th September 2023 | 2:30 pm – 4:00 pm | EAT PANEL Emerging Digital Technologies (UAVs/Robotics/AI, Communication) for Biodiversity Rescue & Protection |