Speaker Bio

Dr. Tonny K. Omwansa
Kenya National Innovation Agency
Dr. Omwansa created the Kenya Innovation Week and Nairobi Innovation week, mobilizing over 50 partners from the public and private sector and academia to enhance the local innovation ecosystem. Dr. Omwansa is interested in the design, adoption, and impact of innovative low-cost, and appropriate technologies in developing countries. He conducted extensive research and consultancy projects for the past 15 years on technology, innovation, financial inclusion, and mobile transactions, for various clients ranging from government institutions, international donors to multinationals (Kenyan government, Mastercard Foundation, Microsoft, World Bank, USAID, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, GSMA, Rockefeller Foundation). He, therefore, produced numerous products, reports, and publications, including a book: “Money, Real Quick: Kenya’s Disruptive Mobile Money Innovation” in 2012.
Session Details
Thursday 21st September 2023 | 03:00 pm – 03:30 pm | EAT Keynote Address |