Speaker Bio

Sekou L. Remy Ph.D
Staff Research Scientist,
IBM Research Africa (Kenya Lab)
Sekou L. Remy Ph.D is a Staff Research Scientist at IBM Research Africa (Kenya Lab) with a keen interest in both health systems and system health. He is also excited about developing appropriate technologies which will transform Africa, and the world. A proud alum of the Georgia Institute of Technology (Electrical Engineering), and of Morehouse College (Computer Science), Sekou has spent time learning and teaching at Clemson University, the University of Notre Dame, Spelman College, and at the University of Washington. At IBM, Sekou has worked on a portfolio of projects considering practical applications of Machine Learning in decision support with the aim of increasing the scale and the scope of evidence used to make decisions.
Session Details
Wednesday 20th September 2023 | 10:30 am – 11:00 am | EAT Keynote Address |